BioTek Pharma

Gélules A Usage Immédiat Avec Une NOUVELLE FORMULE

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Proerecta Klasik pour une utilisation immédiate

Une érection problématique peut également affecter les hommes en bonne santé et sexuellement actifs.

Une érection faible peut résulter de causes courantes telles que la fatigue et le surmenage, le stress, la peur de l’échec ou l’insécurité déclenchée par le fait d’avoir un nouveau partenaire sexuel.

Ce sont exactement les situations dans lesquelles un homme a besoin d’un coup de pouce pour son érection et pour être sûr qu’il n’échouera pas au moment le moins opportun.

Proerecta Klasik prend en compte toutes ces influences négatives et perturbatrices. Il a été créé pour stimuler immédiatement la microcirculation sanguine dans le corps, ce qui est crucial pour un flux sanguin normal vers le pénis.

Si votre faiblesse ne résulte pas d’un dysfonctionnement érectile, de problèmes cardiaques et de tension artérielle, de diabète ou d’autres maladies graves, Proerecta Klasik stimulera délibérément votre microcirculation sanguine ainsi que votre désir sexuel.

Gardez toujours Proerecta Klasik à portée de main. Assurez-vous que votre effort pour satisfaire votre partenaire ne restera pas qu’un souhait.

Propriétés clés

Comment dois-je prendre Proerecta Klasik ?

Promotion rapide de la microcirculation sanguine Uniquement des extraits de plantes et des acides aminés

Vous reconnaissez-vous ?
Malheureusement, ce sont précisément les raisons qui rétrécissent les vaisseaux et réduisent le flux sanguin dans le pénis.

Ils impactent également vos hormones (la testostérone notamment), et tôt ou tard vous le ressentirez comme une baisse de votre libido.

Ces mauvaises habitudes nous accablent presque tous. Des complications peuvent survenir plus tôt ou plus tard.

Mais ils sont garantis pour affaiblir votre érection, que vous ayez 18 ou 40 ans. Vous ne pouvez pas fuir les effets négatifs.

La formule de Proerecta Klasik a été créée en tenant compte de toutes les causes mentionnées ci-dessus de vaisseaux rétrécis.

Proerecta Klasik est tout simplement le bon complément pour vous et votre érection solide.


Tribulus terrestris extract

Tribulus Terrestris is a plant often used in medicine and in nutritional supplements for athletes.

It contains a high level of plant « anabolic steroids » (collectively called phytosterols). The highest concentrations are found in the fruits and roots of the plant.

Studies have shown that levels of testosterone and other male sex hormones increase only slightly in young men (20-36 years) after using doses of up to 20 mg/kg body weight for four weeks.

Studies also indicate that a significant effect of Tribulus Terrestris on increasing testosterone levels was achieved in combination with other pharmacological components, but it has not been confirmed which ingredients were responsible for this effect.

Panax ginseng extract

Panax ginseng (or Panax schinseng) is a kind of plant.

A drug also known as Asian ginseng, Chinese ginseng and Korean ginseng also comes from this plant.

Ginseng has very complex effects on the human body. Clinical studies have shown positive effects on the circulatory system, central nervous system, endocrine gland system and immune system.

Rhodiola rosea extract

According to the available information, Rhodiola Rosea helps reduce levels of fatigue and stress and increase emotional comfort, promotes oxygenation of the heart and vascular system, contributes to the normal functioning of the circulatory system, helps maintain normal blood sugar and improves physical activity. performance, fitness and digestion.

It contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive and cardiovascular systems and improves the energy and vitality of the muscles

Guarana extract

Guarana is a shrub or small tree. Guarana seeds contain stimulants of the central nervous system.

Guarana is renowned for its toning effects, it reduces fatigue, and helps to stay focused and alert.
It positively affects nervous and physical condition, stimulates brain functions and promotes brain activity.

In addition, guarana can be used to promote weight loss, as it decreases appetite and stimulates fat breakdown.

Coenzyme Q10

Currently, there are many dietary supplements containing Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is a substance similar to vitamins.

It is vital for the proper functioning of the human body. Q10 is partly absorbed through food and partly produced directly in the body. It is naturally present in all cells of the human body.

The role of Q10 in the body is to generate energy and increase vital immunity.


Arginine serves as a precursor to the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is, among other things, a tissue hormone causing vasodilation (that is, widening of blood vessels).

It is also used by bodybuilders to increase muscle blood flow (it stimulates the production of growth hormone).

It promotes normal muscle activity.


Citrulline is an amino acid traditionally used in erection-promoting supplement formulas.

In sports, it is used as a supplement promoting the production of nitric oxide, stimulating the production of growth hormone, reducing muscle pain and improving performance.

More than 95% of men are satisfied with the results and the number of satisfied customers is increasing every day

Customers who use Proerecta products have excellent sexuality and an excellent sex life.

"I am very satisfied. At 49, I noticed an increase in stamina and a harder, longer erection."

George K.


"At 49, I had erection problems in the past. I am satisfied with Proerecta. It gives me more confidence."

Peter F.


Proerecta KLASIK

It is enough to take 1-2 capsules 30-40 minutes before sexual activity.

Proerecta Klasik are pills for immediate erection stimulation.

Take 1, maximum 2 tablets 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity.

One bottle consists of 12 tablets.
Therefore, one bottle will last you 6-12 sexual activities.

The recommended dosage is one tablet. If you feel that the effect is small, you can have one more.

You have to accept the fact that the erection cannot be boosted forever.

The results for men over the age of 65 are very individual and depend on the physical condition of an individual.

For men over 65 years of age, we recommend Proerecta Long which helps to increase important vitamins and minerals in the body.

Yes, in your first package you will receive a voucher with 10% discount.

For safety reasons, we do not recommend taking Proerecta Klasik to men with high blood pressure, stroke or other heart health problems.

We value every customer, which is why we offer a 100% money back guarantee. Just send us an email with your order number and bank account number – we will refund you.

We recommend avoiding alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. In addition, when taking Proerecta Klasik, you should not overeat.

None of the ingredients are typical allergens.

But considering the fact that the ingredients are extracts of mostyl herbs, an allergic reaction can sometimes occur. However, this is a very rare situation and if this happens, we will refund the money you paid.

Proerecta Klasik contains:

  • amino acids citruline and arginine
  • herbal extracts of tribulus terrestris, ginseng, rhodioly rosea and guarana
  • Grape seed extract

The effects of Proerecta Klasik will occur within 30 to 60 minutes.

Proerecta SHOT is a small drink to immediately stimulate erection – within 10-20 minutes. It includes 60 ml, so one dose is larger than an ordinary pill.

Proerecta Long is used for long-term sexual health.